Press Release:
A Statement of Protest against the Terrorist Attacks in Bangladesh.
5th July 2016
We would like to send our condolences to those who have lost their loved ones to the atrocious act of terrorism against innocent people in an attack that took place on 2nd July, 2016, in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Catuddisa Sangha (CS, a voluntary non-governmental independent organization uniting Buddhists from around the world) hereby wishes to express its regrets upon the occurrence of such deplorable act of terrorism. And to those who have soiled their hands with the despicable act, we can only but afford the strongest of words of condemnation. Fanatics that legitimize the act of such brutality in the name of religion, which is meant to stand as a pillar of spiritual guidance onto which many descent people place their hope and reliance, instead abuse it to instigate racial exclusion and expulsion. We demand the ruffians to cease all acts of violence at once.
CS has, over the years, built a network of Buddhists around the world in order to deploy grassroots social service work. In recent years, our efforts have focused on Bangladesh in particular, where we have set up a system of mutual assistance through an institution known as the Bank of Buddha, a mechanism designed to lend people a financial hand so to pull themselves out of poverty through their own means.
The event that we had witnessed just a few days ago will, no doubt, affect the work we still carry out on the ground in Bangladesh. We have the duty to raise our voices in condemnation of such acts of brutality.
The world is now littered with similar incidents, with this one in Bangladesh being yet another addition to a whole list of atrocities. Staying truthful to its mission, CS shall continue to promote dialogue between opposing factions so as to promote peace on our planet.